Victim and Legal Services
The Warwick Police Department is committed to assisting victims and those needing legal services to find the resources they need. Below you will are some local agencies who will offer assistance for a variety of services. We have an advocate on staff, Emily Helgerson who can be reached at 401-468-4372 or via email at If you are the victim of a crime that has not been reported, contact 401-468-4200 to speak to an Officer who will assist you. As with any situation, if it is an emergency please contact 9-1-1.
Elizabeth Buffum Chase Center
The Elizabeth Buffum Chase Center serves individuals and families affected by domestic violence and sexual assault. Their hotline is 401-738-1700. More information can be found on their website EBCC.
Day One
Day One offers services to those affected by sexual abuse and violence. They can be contacted at 1-800-494-8100. Additional information about the services they provide can be found at Day One.
The Department of Children, Youth and Families is the state child welfare, chldren's mental health and juvenile corrections services agency. They also assist familes with children who are at risk of being abused, neglected, wayward or delinquent. The Child Abuse Hotline is manned 24/7 and can be contacted at 1-800-RI-CHILD(1-800-742-4453). Additional information about DCYF can be found here.
VINE stands for Victim Information and Notification Everyday. It is a free, anonymous, computer assisted telephone services providing offender custody information and notification of offender custody status. You will need to register with RI Vine to receive their services. Information about how to do so can be found here.
Rhode Island Legal Services
Rhode Island Legal Services provides high quality legal assistance and representation to low-income individuals and eligible client groups. To learn more about the various services they provide, you can visit their website here or by calling 401-274-2652.